Many of you, who know me, know that i am a art supply GEEK. Thats putting it mildly. So i've decided to post some threads about supplies here and there. Todays topic, The Faber Castell PITT pens. I love these pens. The Brush tip spread like a welcome disease throughout the cartoonist community in the early 2000's. The M, F, and S tips were great. They had some nice flex to them, much more a drawing pen than a technical pen. The ink is great as well. I only had one problem, the S (superfine) wasn't fine enough. I had to compliment this pack of pens with another one. I've tried a bunch, and ultimately landed n the Micron 02, thanks to my friend Chris Brunner (see the link for Kickstand Kids.) Its a nice pen, with some flex to it. Faber has upped their game recently, with the release of a new pen and another to come. The new pen is the XS, an its a fucking Porsche! So I'm having a blast with this pen on my new pages. Its out now, RUN AND GET ONE! The one to soon be released is sure to be another gem. PITT is releasing a new Brush tip, a BIGGER and FATTER one, holding 3-4 times as much ink. I haven't seen it yet, but I'll get a promo soon ( i work closely with my Faber rep.) This is sure to be another smash. So PITT will round out their set with 6 tips, as opposed to their previous 4. Well done Faber.