Monday, June 28, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010


So, my next gig involves a Robot fighting two of Marvels mightiest mutants. I'm not great at designing tech stuff, so i put in the hours in and here is the final version...Not bad?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hype Machine, Part 3

Looks like i was off, Deadpool Team Up 892 will ship next week, June 30th! NOT June 23rd like i originall said. More Hype to come!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hype Machine, Day 1! Supercon on the Horizon...

With my book dropping next week, it's time to start hyping that thang! Deadpool Team Up 892, Written by David Lapham, Drawn by me, painted by John Rauch. I say painted because he goes far beyond what a colorist typically does.
Also, i take off on Thursday for SuperCon in Florida, which i am looking forward to in a BUG way! If you're in the Miami area, stop by!
With only a few days to spare before i leave, let the parade of images start!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Journal Comic...

Here's my addition to the Journal Comic of Kevin Burkhlater. I had a BLAST doing this. It was nice to let the cartoony lose, channeling some Bill Watterson. This whole strip was done with a Schaarffe 3000 series, size 2 brush. I hadn't used a shcaarffe in a while. Good brush with a real sharp point. I like a little more belly than this brush offers, BUT i could (and maybe will) do some more pages with it...
I'm off to the beach for a week. When i get back, more posts to come!
Also, i'll be at Supercon in two weeks. If you're in the area, come on by artists alley and shout at me!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hypin it...

Starting to build the hype for my next issue, Deadpool Team Up 892. Written by David Lapham, Drawn by me, colors by John Rauch. Out on June 23rd!